Madwoman: A Contemporary Opera (also known as Madwoman) is an opera - performance art work created by the American performance artist Mem Nahadr (also known as M). It depicts a series of compositions, "M-mination" from a deemed "Madwoman", in an interactive multimedia installation of space, UV light, 5.1 surround sound, items, images and concepts. This installation includes a live performance by M, and stands as a sculptured interactive artpiece otherwise. Supported by a team of artists and technicians, this presentation includes a multimedia system created by James P. Nichols, Broadway, Jazz and Grammy Award Winning Producer/Engineer; as well as Creative - Stage Direction by Claude E. Sloan, Jr., of the LOEB Drama Center Experimental Theater at Harvard, and the New York Shakespeare Festival at the Public Theater. Album cover for the opera was photographed by the fashion photographer and Positive Expousre - Human Rights organizational founder. Rick Guidotti.